Tiny Treasures is a group for parents and carers with children under 5 years old and is specifically for children with additional needs. Siblings are welcome and you do not need to have an official diagnosis to join us. We offer a relaxed environment where children can play and interact in a safe and welcoming space. This is also a great opportunity to meet with other parents/ carers and chat over a drink and cake!

Tiny Treasure runs on alternate Thursdays from 1 pm to 2.30 pm (dates below) and costs £3 per family (pay on arrival).  Anybody having difficulties paying for Tiny Treasures should contact Mellissa at under5s@stjohnshinckley.org.

If you would like to register your interest, then please complete the Registration Form below (only required once). Please note that we will be catering for a maximum of 10 families with priority being given to families who are local to St Johns. Once registered we will be in touch to confirm a space.

If you require any further information then please email Mellissa at under5s@stjohnshinckley.org.

Group dates:

January 16th 30th

February 13th 27th

March 13th 27th

April 10th 24th

May 8th 22nd