Precious Pearls is a group for parents, carers, and childminders to bring under 5's to. It’s run by our St John’s team and is a safe, fun, and welcoming environment for all. We offer a structured session for you to be part of with your little ones. On arrival, you and your child(ren) are allocated to one of four groups. Each group works on a rotation of 15 minutes, moving around the craft table, refreshments, a Bible story, singing time, and free play with lots of toys!
We run two sessions each Tuesday during term time. Mornings, 10 - 11:30am and afternoons, 1 - 2:30pm. Each session is the same, so come along to whichever suits you best. It costs £2.50 per family (including 2 children), or £3.50 for more than 2 children. But your first week is free!
Anybody having difficulties paying for Little Gems should contact Mellissa at
If you would like to come to one of these sessions:
1. Complete the Registration Form below (only required once)
2. Please book whichever session you would like to come to - each child requires a separate booking unless they are siblings.
3. You can also join our Facebook group so we can keep you updated
Precious Pearls is closed through the summer.
Booking links for the AM sessions for January:
Jan 14th:
Jan 21st:
Jan 28th:
Booking links for the PM sessions for January:
Jan 14th:
Jan 21st:
Jan 28th:
If you would like any more information, please contact Mellissa; at or phone the Church Office on 01455 611497.